Since designing and making the 3 peg calendar, I have put together a 2 peg calendar which incorporates the sun gates.
As you may or may not know, the sun rises and sets in a new gate each month. After watching the horizon for sometime I can clearly see that on the first day of each month that the sun has changed position, in fact the day before the first day of the month, you can see the sun preparing to go into the new monthly gate.
The sun starts the year coming out of sun gate 4 (Enoch 72) – then next month gate 5, then next month gate 6 and again in gate 6 (summer soltace) for the following month, then gate 5, then gate 4, then gate 3, then gate 2, then gate 1 and gate 1 again (winter soltace), then gate 2 and then last month of the year gate 3.
We will be putting together a calendar similar to this one for purchase soon
The above solar calendar was made by Designed in Prayer who can be found:
instagram @designedinprayer
Website is